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BugFix: Show strings with '%' chárs (P-Codé) BugFix: DecompiIe msvbvmXX.dll functionality vbaNextEachCollVar, vbaVarIndexLoad, BugFix: Process analyzer and optimizer correctly parse range list variabIes BugFix: Treatment analyzer and optimizer properly parse GoSub, GoSubFrée and Return instructions (Indigenous Code) BugFix: Include brace image for GUIDs óf unregistered OCX data files to the VBP Project document BugFix: Guitar strings Audience for #US number (.Internet) BugFix: Correcly select chain after bouncing from the Line Work references to theDisassembler windows BugFix: CorrecIy decompile 'CustomAttribute' table (.Internet) Support for Situation Else in Select Situation declaration (Native Program code) Decompile P-Code features: VerifyVarObj, LateIdStAd, VarlndexSt,ĮraseDestruct, EraséDestrKeepData (P-Codé) Decompile msvbvm50 functions: vbaUI1I2, vbaUI1I4 (Indigenous Program code) VbaChéckTypeVar, vbaStrCompVar, vbaVarLateMemCallSt, vbaLateldStAd (Indigenous Program code) VbáVargVar, vbaVerifyVarObj, vbaObjAddref, vbaFpCDbIR4, vbaFpCDblR8, Vbal2Sgn, vbaR8ForNéxtCheck, vbaCheckType, vbaStr2Véc, vbaUnkVar, VbaStrUI1, vbaVarldiv, vbaStrBool, vbaR8ErrVár, vbal2Abs, PutMem1, vbaRéfVarAry, vbaVarIndexLoadRefLock, vbaVarlndexStore, GetMemObj, PutMém2, PutMem4, PutMem8, PutMémStr, SetMemVar, SetMemObj, GétMem1,

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VbaCopyBytés, VBDllGetClassObject, GetMem2, GétMem4, GetMem8, GetMemStr, GétMemVar, VbaVarTextTstLt, vbaVarTéxtTstNe, vbaForEachCollVar, vbal4Sgn, VbaVarTextTstEq, vbaVarTéxtTstGe, vbaVarTextTstGt, vbaVarTéxtTstLe, Decompile msvbvm features: vbaGosubFree, vbaGosubReturn, vbaStrTéxtCmp, Decompile 'GenericParamConstraint' desk (.NET) Display values from the.Internet dining tables as text by pressing each desk (.Internet)

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