Surah kahf pdf alkalam download
Surah kahf pdf alkalam download

surah kahf pdf alkalam download

Besides, the surah emphasizes the need to keep away from irrelevant questioning and to focus on important matters. Each of these incidents have been explained by scholars to contain important lessons in facing the difficulties brought by Dajjaal.

surah kahf pdf alkalam download

The surah narrates three more stories to highlight important lessons – the Two Men of Garden, the meeting of Musa (AS) with Al Khidr and the building of the wall to restrict Yajuj and Majuj by Dhul Qarnayn. It is named after the incident of the Youth of the Cave, which is also found not only in the Bible but also in Roman and Greek traditions, usually with the reference of “The Seven Sleepers”. It draws its importance from the encouragement of the Prophet ﷺ to recite it every Friday, to safeguard oneself from the trials of Dajjaal, the Anti-Christ. Surah Al Kahf is Makki in revelation and chronologically, the most centrally located surah in the Qur’an.

Surah kahf pdf alkalam download