The revised domains are usually a better utilization of the ironic intent that flavors the immortal prisons of Ravenloft. Many of the original Ravenloft domains featured strange punishments that didn't necessarily fit the crime of the Darklord. Reception Ĭhristian Hoffer, for, highlighted that in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (2021) the Domains of Dread "all now function as originally intended: prisons meant to torture specific souls. The Dark Powers "are believed to have been responsible for the overall creation of the Dread Domains". Each Domain is ruled by a Darklord, however, each Darklord was imprisoned in their Domain by the Dark Powers. The Domains are surrounded by strange mists that can ensnare both people and places in Prime Material Plane and pull them into the Domains. Rob Wieland writing for Forbes explained that in this book "Many of the domains have new Darklords that reflect their original character but have details changed to better fit the type of horror the domain is supposed to represent." The 5th Edition campaign guide Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (2021) includes an overview of 39 Domains and many Domains are given a "wholesale revision" while "other Domains keep their original lore but are advanced in other ways".

While the 2nd Edition supplement The Nightmare Lands (1995) confirmed that the Domains of Dread were located in the Deep Ethereal plane, the 4th edition supplement Manual of the Planes (2008) moved the Domains of Dread into the Shadowfell. All told, Ravenloft Campaign Setting covers 20 core domains and nine islands". A few domains that had appeared since the publication of Ravenloft: Realm of Terror were notably missing. Some domains were removed or merged because their lords were too similar, and finally some islands of terror were kicked to the curb just because they were 'less exciting'. Some domains were changed or removed because they didn't fit into Ravenloft ecologically. The metaplot of the adventure series was used to update the setting "David Wise, leader of the 'Kargat' of Ravenloft designers at TSR, has said there were a few reasons for the changes. All of the core domains are overviewed in Ravenloft, as are eight 'islands'." The revised 2nd Edition boxset Ravenloft Campaign Setting (1994) is an update to Realm of Terror, however, it removes Domains that were destroyed in the Grand Conjunction adventure series and adds new Domains. This book outlined that the size of Ravenloft is "40,000 square miles 26 different domains, including Barovia and Mordent. The concept of Domains and locations in Ravenloft besides Barovia and Mordent was introduced in the 2nd Edition campaign setting book Ravenloft: Realm of Terror (1990).

There are many Domains of Dread that makeup the landscape of Ravenloft.