Freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds
Freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds

freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds

Rice tested or not64 20210820 seems to work just as well. However, the entire game has not been tested. Minor issues include crashing if attempting to change the time.

freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds

Rice only on gl it has stretching vertices.Īll testing seems to show near flawless gameplay. Some gfx works better on gl like the Sun effect on first mission other than that it seems to works just as well on rice or gl. Rice has missing sky and afew other textures, seems to work perfectly on Glide build. Not64 dont show the cutscenes correctly and are way too dark ingame.Ħ4 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Minna de Tamagotchi World Top - # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Game Name Game has not been tested, or the test results were unclear. Games that do not load and have major problems and/or are unplayable, or have consistent lock ups. Games that mostly work but with more serious but playable bugs, or random lockups (random doesn't mean lock up every time at the same spot in the game). Games that work 100% or have few/very minor issues, like stuttering audio, or other things that don't affect gameplay. Notes - Use this to describe playability, bugs and glitches and to give additional settings if needed. Virtual Console - Enter " Yes" if it is currently available as a Virtual Console title. Enter " Works", " Issues", or " Doesn't Work". Status - This column is for the compatibility of Not64 in its default state.

freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds

Please follow the same formatting as other entries. Version - Always try to use the latest Not64 release. When there is a special release for a specific country, enter an appropriate abbreviation. Do NOT change the region of an existing game entry. Region - Enter " USA", " JAP", or " EUR". Latest Thread on GBATemp Posting Guidelines Vandalism will be undone and get you blocked from the Wiki. Top - # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZĬompatibility list for Not64.

Freestyle dash 3 vanilla backgrounds